About Us
Chaphekar Engineering is an expression of revolution. The roots of Chaphekar Engineering run way back to 1958 to an entrepreneurial initiative of Late Mr. Yeshwant Narayan Chaphekar (Founder), with a modest tool room & press shop. Building on that history, we have grown into a multimillion, multi product business with vast client base across the country and are known for sheet metal fabrication capability. Today, we provide automotive assemblies and components to India’s prominent leaders in the automobile and engineering industry. We consistently adapt to the changing market demands to stay ahead with proactive product solutions. With a diversified product range, we have earned the respect for providing quality and precision engineering solutions in the automotive and engineering industry.
From design to delivery, Chaphekar Engineering has the infrastructure to provide customers with a complete solution to their needs. Our manufacturing infrastructure is versatile to cater to needs ranging from a short run prototyping to large volumes of automotive components and precision parts for the engineering industry. From building vehicle bodies for critical special purpose applications to customizing general purpose bodies in large numbers. We are also one of the few companies in India that offer a comprehensive range of Cargo Bodies. Our integrated state-of-the-art manufacturing centre is managed by a team of well-trained engineers and skilled workers.
Products & Capabilities
The product range includes Cargo Body, Containers, Curtain Slider Containers, Tippers, Trailers, Car Carriers, and other customized applications such as Insulated Van, Refrigerated Van, Bottle Crate Carrier, Ambulance, Troop Carriers, Cafeteria Van, Cash Van, Mobile Shoppe etc. Some unique applications have also been developed for major OEMs and logistic companies.

Sheet Metal Components and Assemblies

Truck Applications

Electric Vehicle Applications

Customized Commercial Vehicles

CED Coating Services
What our Customers are saying

”We have been associated with Chaphekar Engineering Pvt ltd (CEPL) for supply of CED coated and painted fenders for our tractors.
Team CEPL is very enthusiastic, technically sound and ready to raise to every occasion on Productivity improvement, Quality sustenance and enhancements. Continuous improvements, cost cautious, timely deliveries makes them our Reliable and Trusted Partners.
Thank you CEPL Team for remarkable talents and skills to fuel our mutual efforts.
We wish the entire CEPL team good luck. Keep it up! ”